Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

Find out what is causing the pain. Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Go to a physical therapist, doctor or chiropractor and explain the pain.

1.Find out what is causing the pain. Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Go to a physical therapist, doctor or chiropractor and explain the pain.

2.Realize that some lower back problems are caused by bad posture. A physical therapist or a chiropractor can help you learn correct posture.

3.Learn safe & effective stretches to improve flexibility, take pressure off of joints and make good posture easier to maintain.

4.Learn to stabilize the low back using leg and abdominal muscles.

5.The most common cause of lower back pain is weakened Abdominal muscles which can be created by tight hip flexors and erector spinae muscles. To stimulate the weakened Abdominals rub your inner thigh as there is neuro-lymphatic reflex there which increases the strength of the muscle - combine this with abdominal exercises (not sit-ups) and the Abdominals will strengthen. Stretch the Hip Flexors and the Erector Spinae before you do the Abdominal exercise. This will strengthen the low back although you may need to get the lower spine moving freely also for permanent relief.

6.Stretch your back.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Signs of Skin Ageging

Like the rest of our body tissue, skin gradually loses its youthful appearance and efficiency with age. By the time you've reached your early to mid thirties, the outward signs of ageing are already becoming established.

What happens when what Skin ages?
Changes in the dermis reflection the surface. Production of collagen and elastin slows down, so the skin becomes thinner, losing its plumpness, firmness and elasticity. As the structure of the collagen bundles become uneven, the skin's foundation begins to crumble. Surface signs are deeper lines, wrinkles and a sagging skin texture.

A more sluggish circulation results in a paler complexion. Less efficiently nourished cells also become sluggish. Turnover can become as much as 50 per cent slower, meaning that dead cells hang around on the surface longer.

A build up of redundant cells on the surface means an inefficient barrier function. In addition, hormonal fluctuations lead to a reduction in sebum production, so the skin's surface becomes rougher, dryer and less able to prevent moisture loss from below.

Chronic moisture loss means cells risk dehydration and skin loses its plumpness even further. Dry skin also risks sensitivity Harsh environmental conditions heighten these risks and increase skin damage.

Efficient skin care can't actively slow down this natural ageing process but it can significantly help limit damage and improve skin appearance.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Facial and skin Benefits

A classic facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, massage, mask, toning and moisturizing. Usually, a treatment lasts about 60 to 90 minutes, including time to relax while the mask takes effect - say, 10 to 15 minutes. Some treatments are entirely manual, others use electronic massage equipment to stimulate facial muscles. Purists hold that fingers arc most sensitive and therefore efficient; modernists assert that machines have a deeper stimulating action. Before you select a particular type of facial the beauty therapist will conduct a detailed consultation concerning your health, diet and lifestyle.

TYPES OF Facial Masks

These involve manual massage with a variety of skin-care products. Some may also include mini hand, shoulder or foot massages.

These involve essential oils or products manufactured from them. Essential oils are said to have an affinity with the skin's natural oils and can be used to supplement or regulate sebaceous output. Therapists often use pressure point massage to encourage their efficacy Oils are also used to stimulate and relax.

Electrotherapy is said to enhance the action of skin-care products. The best-known electrotherapy method is called Cathiodermie and was established in the 1960s. It involves two types of low-voltage current being applied with tiny fork-like electrodes. Galvanic current ionizes both skin and gels, improving absorption. High-frequency faradic current massages the skin's surface, boosting circulation and producing anti-bacterial ozone.

Controversial - and hugely popular - these high-tech treatments use electronic massage techniques to boost both muscle and tissue tone. Electric microcurrents compatible with the body's own stimulate the 30 muscles of the face. They also ease fine lines, and boost the circulation and lymph. However, to keep muscles "exercised", treatments, which are expensive, must be regular.

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Hoemamde Facial, Facials Mask Recipe at home

Do homemade facials work? If you enjoy them they do. Taking an hour out for yourself is one of life's luxuries and a professional facial is so relaxing your face is bound to look better afterward. But what of the long-term benefits of a professional cleansing and facial massage?

Homemade Facial Recipe
For a basic homemade facial you can do yourself, simply follow these simple steps:
1. Cleanse with cream or foam, massaging the face with circular movements. Rinse with tepid water and a soft sponge. Blot the skin damp, not dry.

2. Exfoliate using a gentle granular or latex-based "gommage", concentrating on problem zones. Rinse and pat dry.

3. Massage with a nourishing oil or cream.

4. Apply a mask directly over your moisturized skin, to encourage the cream to penetrate further. Soak cotton pads in eye make-up remover, or use cold camomile tea bags, and place over the eyelids. Relax for 10 minutes.

5. Remove mask and apply toner.

6. Moisturize with your regular day or night formula.


Certainly massage can help lymphatic glands clear swelling and puffiness, maintains Dr David Fenton of St Thomas's hospital, London. However, the afterglow is short term as it is due to a temporary blood circulation boost. He also believes that the effects of a firming home facial, which uses electrical currents to stimulate the skin, last only a matter of hours - days at most. And if you have very greasy, acne-prone skin, he suggests avoiding stimulating facials completely as they can aggravate sebaceous glands.

Professional beauty therapists argue that treating yourself to a facial is extremely worthwhile as it is usually the beginning of a better relationship with your skin. As facials arc invariably" diagnostic, therapists use products best suited to your skin type and recommend a program for home use.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Wash Short Hair

A quick guide to help you wash short hair. It is harder at times to get it all rinsed out and washed with short hair.

1.Jump in the shower with your choice of one shampoo and conditioner. You need to get it wet in the shower instead of a sink or faucet because the water hits your hair and gets it wet quicker and more efficient.

2.Wet your hair with cool-warm water for about a minute. That's all you need to do for short hair to wet it.

3.Put about a quarter-sized amount of shampoo in your hand. Rub it together lightly in your hands, but don't let it run on the bottom of the tub.

4.Take one hand and rub it on the top of your hair,and the other on the bottom part.

5.Lather it for thirty seconds to a minute and then rinse.

6.Repeat with conditioner about 2 times.

•When you condition your hair, be sure to especially get the bottom part or the more layered, flexible pieces of your hair.

•Make sure you rinse your hair completely, don't quit rinsing the top until the scalp squeaks.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Blow Dry Hair

In a world of early mornings, late nights, endless last minute jobs and frantic hurrying, the 'towel off and run' gig doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Sure, every hairdresser vows that constant blow drying will damage your locks. But how, exactly, are you supposed to stroll into your office job wearing a suit - with dripping wet hair? How do you make it to that party without ratty wet ringlets? Air drying may be healthy and natural, but blow drying, when done carefully and with the right techniques, can not only keep your locks dry, but also improve them, without excess damage. So if you're sick of wet patches on the back of your shirt and frantically rubbing your wet "do" with a towel, then ditch your old routine and improve your blow drying techniques today.

Important Step

1. Wash your hair
You can use your regular shampoo, but for better blow drying effects and protection, try washing with a moisturizing shampoo (Dry Hair Formula, as it's often called). This type of shampoo will provide extra moisture that will protect your hair from the effects of the blow dryer. It will also protect it from any other heat caused by straightening or curling, and generally add more moisture to your locks. You don't have to buy a super expensive brand - moisturizing shampoos are available just about anywhere for all kinds of prices, so look around and secure the best deal for you.

2. Towel off your hair slightly
just enough to stop the dripping. Never, ever rub your hair with the towel as the friction causes split ends frizzy dryness and generally does a lot of damage. Instead, gently wrap the towel around your hair and squeeze, like blotting the water out of your hair. If you have hair that's too short a length for that technique, wrap the towel around your head and rub very very gently using strong, circular motions. Don't rub too fast or hard, and if you can feel pain or hair breaking, then use your common sense and stop. Your hair doesn't have to be very dry at all after towelling; it just shouldn't be excessively soaked and dripping everywhere.

3. Separate your hair into sections
The bigger the section, the longer it will take to dry. It's best to go for 4-6 sections, but make sure nothing is tangled. If you have thick or longer hair, try using clips to help. If your hair's a bit too short, you may want to just part it into two sections.

4. Start blow drying at the top/roots
About six inches away from your scalp. Maintain this distance throughout, so nothing burns. Never blow dry in an upwards motion, as this causes more damage. Plus, by drying the hair on your scalp, it prevents the moisture from soaking the rest of your hair.
5. Work your way down
and remember to move the blow dryer around, again, so nothing burns. If you simply focus the dryer on one spot for too long it will dry out and burn the hair, rather than simply drying it gently.
6. Leave your hair a little bit damp
Don't ever dry until your whole head is completely dry - you need to leave in some moisture, so your hair won't dry out, and become frizzy or damaged. Leave it tolerably damp, not so it soaks your clothes, but so it will dry naturally in about 5-10 minutes.

7. Finish with a blast of cold air
to lock in shine. Brush through your hair gently, or de-tangle it with your fingers. If needed, apply a moisturizing or ant-frizz serum and brush it through evenly. You can even use a tiny bit of olive oil for a more "natural" option. These will work to keep your locks shiny and smooth, and now, dry, all day long!

Important Tips

•Never blow dry your hair when it is dripping wet, otherwise, you'll just be boiling your hair. Towel off first.
•Always blow dry in a downwards motion and in one direction. This will help prevent frizz and those split ends.
•If you can, try not to blow dry more than three times a week. When you can afford to let your hair air dry, do so. If it's on the weekend when you've got free time, or when you don't have to be anywhere, simply comb through your wet hair gently and let it dry by itself. Generally, hair should be washed about two times a week anyway.
•If your hair is very short, you might get off with just a towel dry, or a two minute blow dry.
•You should apply a moisturizing hair spray, anti-frizz cream or conditioner after you're finished blow drying, just to quench your hairs' thirst. A more healthy and natural option would be applying a tiny bit of olive oil, as this enhances shine and adds in healthy, natural moisture.
•Don't get smart with the hairdryer trying different angles, thinking you're a professional - you're not.
•Don't frazzle your locks. You may be late for a meeting, but you don't want to walk in with a haystack for hair.
•Never blow dry your hair because you're bored. Using a hair-dryer does damage your hair, so the less you blow dry, the better quality your hair will be in.
•Doesn’t brush dripping wet hair - generally your fingers should work for any de-tangling?
•Keep brushes and combs clean.
•Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to ward off split ends.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Correct Sleeping Habits

In this very important chapter you will learn how to correct some bad sleeping habits which rob you of your maximum height potential. For example many of you only get 3 and 4 hours of sleep each night. Well, did you know that if you remained in bed for several days that within that time span you would actually increase your height as much as a full inch?

Unfortunately, this increase in height is only a temporary condition. As soon as you are up and around again the forces of gravity compress the disc between the vertebrae to their original width, and you revert back to your original height. While you are lying in bed there is no pressure on the vertebral disc, which allows it to expand, thus explaining our normal growth pattern. However, only a small percentage of this expansion is retained. Exercise must be used to strengthen and maintain this expansion at its peak. Otherwise, the normal forces of gravity will take their toll. On the other hand, in order to reap the benefits of our detailed exercise program, you must also assure yourself of getting the proper rest otherwise the exercise is useless by itself. As a rule, we strongly recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep for best results. In order to maximize your fullest height potential, there are some very important tips you need to know about sleeping. Make sure your mattress is firm and capable of giving your body full support. This is to aid in keeping your spine as straight as possible while sleeping. A soft or sagging mattress will tend to bend the spine and curve the torso in a sinking effect, which must be avoided. A good mattress will support the whole body, which will keep it in a straight posture setting ? a must for obtaining greater height.

Now that you'll be sleeping on a good mattress, there's another bad habit that most of you must rid yourselves of "using a pillow". This is a very common mistake made by most of us because we are led to believe that a pillow allows for a more comfortable night's sleep so, through habit, we become attached and generally accept this as the most comfortable way to sleep. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The use of a pillow is an incorrect form of sleeping and should be avoided.

Consider these facts:

1. While lying on your back with your head resting on a pillow, your neck is bent forward in a very unnatural position.

2. In this position, your head is being pushed forward and your back is arched, also a very unnatural position.

3. If you suffer from frequent neck or back pains, in the majority of cases you can probably blame it on your pillow or mattress.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Make Your Face Look Bright and Awake

Even when we do our normal makeup routine in the morning, we still can look tired and drowsy. Here is a way you can keep your old makeup routine, but add in a few tricks to look brighter and awake!

1. Wash your face. Remove all dead skin from all areas including the nasal creases. Use a good face wash.

2. Use a good eye brightening cream around your eye area, something that will give you a good awake feeling. Also, use a skin brightener on places around your face where you find it is very dark. Not too much though, a little goes a long way!

3. If you notice your eyes are red, use some eye drops to cool them off.

4. Do your makeup routine. Once you are finished, grab a shimmery white face powder and a light brush. Lightly brush your face with very little of this. Under your eyes, use a little on top of your concealer. I mean very little. This is just to brighten your face a little. Not make it whiter.

Important Tips

• When using the shimmer, use very little.
• Put a small amount of shimmer on the inside corner of your eye, to make them look wider and more awake.
• Take a shower the night before. if you do it in the morning, it will just make your face look paler and puffier.
• Masks are good ways to get rid of dead skin.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homemade Facial, Facials Mask Recipe at Home

Do homemade facials work? If you enjoy them they do. Taking an hour out for yourself is one of life's luxuries and a professional facial is so relaxing your face is bound to look better afterward. But what of the long-term benefits of a professional cleansing and facial massage?

Homemade Facial Recipe
For a basic homemade facial you can do yourself, simply follow these simple steps:

1. Cleanse with cream or foam, massaging the face with circular movements. Rinse with tepid water and a soft sponge. Blot the skin damp, not dry.
2. Exfoliate using a gentle granular or latex-based "gommage", concentrating on problem zones. Rinse and pat dry.
3. Massage with a nourishing oil or cream.
4. Apply a mask directly over your moisturized skin, to encourage the cream to penetrate further. Soak cotton pads in eye make-up remover, or use cold chamomile tea bags, and place over the eyelids. Relax for 10 minutes.
5. Remove mask and apply toner.
6. Moisturize with your regular day or night formula.

Certainly massage can help lymphatic glands clear swelling and puffiness, maintains Dr David Fenton of St Thomas's hospital, London. However, the afterglow is short term as it is due to a temporary blood circulation boost. He also believes that the effects of a firming home facial, which uses electrical currents to stimulate the skin, last only a matter of hours - days at most. And if you have very greasy, acne-prone skin, he suggests avoiding stimulating facials completely as they can aggravate sebaceous glands.
Professional beauty therapists argue that treating yourself to a facial is extremely worthwhile as it is usually the beginning of a better relationship with your skin. As facials arc invariably" diagnostic, therapists use products best suited to your skin type and recommend a program for home use.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Importance of Moisture for Skin

Skin needs moisture - that's the bottom line. A water quota of no less than a healthy 60 per cent gives skin its smooth, plump, translucent quality, bathes cells with nutrients and keeps them soft and functional. A moisturizer's most basic job in supplement the skin's Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) (a cocktail of moisture-attracting humectants and preservatives), help preserve fluid in the skin's upper layers and prevent losses which hasten ageing.As environmental factors such as sunlight, central heating, wind, cold and pollution all encourage moisture loss, state-of-the-art creams are designed to buffer external aggression by reinforcing the skin's own barrier mechanisms.

In young, healthy skin natural oils and friendly flora preserve the slightly acidic mantle that keeps the barrier function of the horny outer layer intact. Overlapping dead skin cells form a scaly, water-resistant seal against dehydration. As skin ages, however, natural oil production drops and the skin surface becomes drier and less moisture-retentive. Surface scales roughen and gaps appear in the barrier, through which moisture can escape. As cell turnover also slows with ageing, it takes longer for replacement cells to reach the surface and repair breaches. A mal- functioning surface barrier leaves cells in the skin's lower layers vulnerable to damage. So, creams that help to reinforce the stratum corneum seem like the obvious answer. For, if the horny layer is doing its job, the deeper skin layers - where ageing begins - are more able to look after themselves.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

How to Protect Your Skin from Sunlight?

Skin colour depends on a natural brownish pigment called melanin. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, situated at intervals between cells in the dermis. All skins rom Scandanavian pale to Ethiopian mahogany, contain the same quota of melanocytes, but the melanocyte cells of some skins are more efficient producers of melanin than others.

The function of melanin is to act as a natural sunscreen that absorbs and filters ultraviolet rays so they cannot reach and damage the dermis. Sunlight stimulates the melanocytes to produce melanin to stave off UV radiation. Consequently, people who originate from nearest the equator have the most efficient melanocytes, while those of Northern European origin have the most inefficient, and are therefore at greatest risk from sun damage. Freckles indicate unevenly distributed melanin and poor protection against ultraviolet damage.

Is It Worth Getting a tan?
Whereas moderate sunlight enables the skin to synthesize vitamin D, excessive sun is the single greatest threat to skin health. Dermatologists estimate that 80 per cent of lines, wrinkles, sagging and coarsening are directly caused by ultra- violet light. Countless comparisons between the weatherbeaten faces of octogenarians and their smoother, seldom exposed body zones show how a lifetime under the sun leaves its mark. Sunlight ages the skin and creates a potential cancer risk. it used to be thought that only the "burning" ultraviolet-B rays posed a threat. Now it is known that whereas 95 per cent of these short-wave rays are absorbed by the epidermis, 80 per cent of so-called "tanning' ultraviolet-A rays penetrate down to the dermis. Here, they undermine the skin's structure by distorting DNA and RNA at the cell's nucleus and distorting collagen and elastin arrangements. This damage is both cumulative and largely irreversible. Distorted cells reproduce inefficient mutations, resulting in an increase in the number of lines and wrinkles, a decrease in firmness and elasticity and an epidermis that no longer retains moisture as it should.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

How to Fair and Lovely Ideal

New Delhi, India (Womensenews)--Two attractive young women are sitting in a bedroom having an intimate conversation. The lighter-skinned woman has a boyfriend and, consequently, is happy. The darker-skinned woman, lacking a boyfriend, is not. Her friend's advice? Use a bar of soap to wash away the dark skin that's keeping men from flocking.

Hindustan Lever Limited, one of India's largest manufacturing and marketing conglomerates, discontinued two of its television advertisements for Fair and Lovely Fairness Cold Cream this month, after a year-long campaign led by the All India Democratic Women's Association. Increasing public criticism may be initiating a change in cultural attitudes towards skin whitening in India, a country where the fairness industry accounts for 60 percent of skincare sales, bringing in $140 million a year. The company is the Indian subsidiary of Unilever PLC, based in London.

In a memo to India's National Human Rights Commission, Brinda Karat, general secretary of the women's association, calls one of the ads "discriminatory on the basis of the color of skin," and "an affront to a woman's dignity," because it shows fairer women having greater job success based on their sexuality.

Fair and Lovely, one of Hindustan Lever's "power brands," is marketed in over 38 countries. Its frequently-aired ads typically show a depressed woman with few prospects gaining a brighter future by attaining a boyfriend or job after becoming markedly fairer (emphasized by several silhouettes of her face lined up dark to light). On its Web site the company calls its product, "the miracle worker," which is "proven to deliver one to three shades of change."
The ad targeted by the women's association shows a woman, whose father had lamented not having a son to support the family, landing a well-paying job as an airline attendant after using the product.

Hindustan Lever failed to respond to All India Democratic Women's Association's complaints, first sent in March and April 2002. The women's association then appealed to the Human Rights Commission, which passed its complaints on to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The government recently issued notices of the complaints to the company. Karat credits this intervention, rather than any "sudden awakening to the feelings that women have when they see those ads," with triggering the company's about-face. "We're not for heavy-duty censorship," she said, but "when the companies don't respond we have no alternative."

Fairness as an Asset
If there is evidence that public opinion has changed, it is not to be found in the Indian matrimonial ads, with their "grooms" and "brides wanted" sections that families use to arrange suitable alliances. These ads, hundreds of which appear in India's daily newspapers, reflect the country's remarkable diversity in their attempts to solicit individuals with the appropriate religion, caste, regional ancestry, professional and educational qualifications, and frequently, skin color.

Even in the growing numbers of ads that announce "caste no bar," the adjective "fair" still regularly precedes professional qualifications. A typical example shows that having a medical or graduate business degree is only part of the package: "Wanted really b'ful fair medico for h'some smart Doctor."

"Fair skin is considered an asset in India," said Rachna Gupta, a 38-year-old part-time interior designer. That's why, once a month, she goes to a busy south Delhi salon to have Jolen Creme Bleach ("lightens excess dark hair" the box says) slathered over her face as a fairness treatment. "It's not good for the skin," Gupta said, "but I still get it done because I am on the darker side and it makes me feel nice. Aesthetically, it looks nice."

However, the number of Indians who share Gupta's opinion that lighter skin is more beautiful may be shrinking. Sumit Isralni, a 22-year-old hair designer in his father's salon, thinks things have changed in the last two years, at least in India's most cosmopolitan cities, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Women now "prefer their own complexion, their natural way," he said.
Isralni says he prefers a more "Indian beauty" himself. "I won't find my wife to be fair, I won't judge her on that," he said.

Sunita Gupta, a beautician in the salon where Rachna Gupta gets her treatments, is more critical. "It's just foolishness!" she exclaimed. The premise of the ads that women could not become airline attendants if they are dark-skinned was wrong, she said. "Nowadays people like black beauty."

She goes on to cite dusky Indian female film actors Kajol Devgan and Rani Mukherjee as examples of her conviction, "If you are dark, then dark is the best."

Health Concerns Over Lightening Grow
The awareness that whitening products can damage the skin is growing. To respond to health concerns, "Fair and Lovely" has come out with an "ayurvedic" formula, a term referring to a well-known system of Indian herbal medicine. And at an upscale salon in Delhi, at a chain also owned by Hindustan Lever, Puja Sharma stresses to potential customers that her lightening facials are all-natural, using milk and fresh fruits like tomato and papaya. However, at four to six times the price of Rachna Gupta's monthly bleaching, this option finds fewer takers.
Even Gupta, a steadfast bleacher for over 15 years, admits the danger. "Two years back it was quite popular," she said. "But now I think they're focusing on less bleaching. It could harm the skin if it's strong."

So she checks the concentration of ammonia and continues her routine. "You have a small tingling kind of a feeling," she said. "It doesn't hurt too much."

Battling for Public Opinion
Betting that the fairness craze in India will continue, American and European companies are fighting for their market share. Popular western brands Avon, L'Oreal, Lancome, Yves Saint-Laurent, Clinique, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, and Revlon, offer whitening products. In addition, cheap knockoffs like "Cure and Lovely" are making the rounds.

Meanwhile, the Delhi-based Center for Advocacy and Research, which monitors media and conducts surveys on public opinion, has accused the industry in general of "unfair trade practices" and "using a social stigma to sell their products."

On March 11, Hindustan Lever, shortly after pulling its ads off the air, launched its "Fair and Lovely Foundation," vowing to "encourage economic empowerment of women across India" by providing resources in education and business. Sangeeta Pendurkar, the company's skincare marketing manager, announced that the company believed millions of women "who, though immensely talented and capable, need a guiding hand to help them take the leap forward." Presumably into a fairer future.

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How to White your Skin

Have you ever wondered why early childhood photos of many top celebrities show a much darker skin color then they have now? Have you also longed for a much whiter complexion? Then you should go for skin whitening treatments. Mainly the skin whitening ingredients works in two ways to give you a whiter skin: 1. By absorbing the UV rays, thus preventing the sun from darkening your skin. 2. By reducing the production of melanin, the skin pigment found in your skin which is responsible for skin darkening.

Most skin whiteners currently on the market contain ingredients (hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, azealic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice extract)) that act as direct inhibitors of tyrosinase, the enzyme in the skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that make melanin.

Arbutin is a new type of skin de-pigmentation and whitening agents, an extract of Bearberry plant which produced by a solid /liquid extraction, an environmentally friendly process. Arbutin protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, Arbutin is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation, Arbutin inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity. It may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria, it is also used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin . More recently, Arbutin has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully. It can be used to whiten the skin, to prevent liver spots and freckles, to treat sunburn marks and to regulate melanogenesis.

Arbutin is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, stimulation, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.The encapsulation of Arbutin constitute a delivery system to potentialize the effect in time. It is a way to incorporate the hydrophilic Arbutin in lipophilic media. Arbutin give three main properties; Whitening effects, anti- age effect and UVB/ UVC filter .

There is an increasing awareness that vitamin C has a wide variety of role in human health. New therapeutic uses are being investigated daily, among recent discoveries is that Vitamin C can play important role in the health and beauty of your skin. Vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been tested extensively and reported in journal of American Academy of Dermatology to inhibit the production of the melanin (Melanin is the pigment which give the skin it's dark color), when Vitamin C inhibit the production of the melanin, a lighter and brighter skin will reveal in just few weeks.

Vitamin C does more than that also, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, which declines markedly in aging skin. As we grow older, we suffer diminished micro capillary circulation within our skin, which deprives our skin cells of the supply of vitamin C it needs for youthful collagen synthesis. The topical application of vitamin C in a skin-penetrating medium can dramatically enhance the availability of vitamin C for collagen production.

Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E in the skin. An antioxidant like vitamin E can only suppress a limited number of free radicals before it runs out of electrons to donate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and enables vitamin E to provide sustained antioxidant protection in the skin's elastin fibers.

Vitamin C plays a vital role in skin repair. When your skin is injured, its Vitamin C content is used up rapidly in the scavenging of free radicals, and in synthesizing collagen to speed healing.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, isolated from Glycyrrihiza glabra (licorice) is widely used in cosmetic industry. Licorice inhibit tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without any cytotoxicity, it also showed that UV-B–induced pigmentation and erythema can be inhibited by topical application of 0.5% Licorice The anti-inflammatory properties of Licorice were attributed to inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity.

As a fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Kojic acid also is consumed widely in the Japanese diet with the belief that it is of benefit to health. Indeed, it has been shown to significantly enhance neutrophil phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic with a decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species that are excessively released from cells or generated in tissue or blood.

This tyrosinase inhibitor was isolated from a plant herbal extract. The plant roots from which paper mulberry was isolated were collected in Korea. The tyrosinase inhibition of paper mulberry was compared to kojic acid and HQ. The IC50, the concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase, was reported to be 0.396% compared to 5.5% for hydroquinone and 10.0% for kojic acid.

Melanostat is a peptide obtained by amino acid synthesis with a technique of Merryfield. It demonstrates an outstanding anti MSH activity experimentally investigated for skin lightening. The target of Melanostat the membrane receptor of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes, the B- MICR receptor, and its mode of action is a competitive inhibition of alpha-MSH, membrane receptors are blocked in a natural way. The anti-MSH is a molecule naturally present in the skin. It belongs to the system of regulation of the pigmentation. Melanostat counterbalances the formation of melanin and especially the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme involved in the process of pigmentation. In the skin, alpha-MSH plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis of melanin. This process is under the control of an anti—MSH, also naturally present in the skin.

Recently, researches performed on alpha- MSH enabled a detailed study of the structure and function of this molecule, so as the exact determination of its receptor. This receptor is B receptor, its scientific determination is MICR receptor. The study of these molecules enabled researchers to synthesize peptides with a similar (MSH-like), or antagonist (anti-MSH) activity.

The structure of Melanostat antagonist peptide of the alpha-MSH, is relatively similar to the structure of alpa-MSH. Because of this similarity, Melanostat acts while competing the receptors of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes. The action of Melanostat occurs before the action of the well-known inhibitors. Which acts on the intracellular enzyme system? Melanostat does not penetrate the cell because its competitive activity initiates on membrane receptors. Its action enables a natural and reversible blockage of the membrane receptors, without disturbing the physiological functioning of the cutaneous cells. Thus, Melanostat counteracts the formation of melanin and notably the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme of the pigmentation process of the skin. The anti-MSH molecule naturally exists in the organism, and is involved in a system that regulates melanogenesis. It is activated in season changes. When sunshine is high, the amount of alpha MSH exceeds the amount of anti-MSH. The receptors for alpha-MSH multiply at the surface of the cells. The results are an increase of the synthesis of the melanin and the rise of the pigmentation of the skin. When the sunshine is low, anti-MSH exceed alpha-MSH. The receptors at the surface of the melanocytes decrease. The synthesis of melanin is not stimulated anymore, pigmentation of the skin decreases. Thus, alpha-MSH and anti-MSH play the role of accelerator or brake for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the predominance of anti-MSH or alpha-MSH, the color of the skin evolves in a away or another.

The incorporation of Melanostat in skin lightening creams will place the skin in a physiological dominant anti-MSH situation. Its action is based on the reinforcement of the natural ability of the skin to counteract the activity of alpha-MSH. Melanostat has been investigated in vivo against alpha MSH: the darkening of the skin induced by alpha-MSH is assessed and expressed in percentage of change by comparison with the normal situation.

Retinol is the most important natural form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is the first vitamin to be used topically for the treatment of damaged human skin. Today, the term vitamin A is applied to retinol (Vitamin A alcohol), retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde) and tretinoin (Vitamin A acid). Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of. It is now known that the clinical effect obtained with high doses of vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiate and maintenance of epithelial tissues. Especially, retinol is held out as the new great hope for reduction of photo aging skin. Retinol or Vitamin A helps to renew and exfoliate the skin, giving a new lighter, beautiful skin.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to Get Super Sexy Summer Legs

Summer time is here and who doesn't want sexy, smooth legs to bare those short shorts and bikinis? Well, here are a few tips to get that extra silky, super model look to your legs- so simple and really works!

1.Make sure your legs are freshly shaven (if you are female). Next, take about a teaspoon of baking soda and put it on your wash cloth or loofa.

2.Add just a few drops of water to make a paste on the loofa or cloth.

3.Rub the cloth or loofa across your legs. This exfoliates all the dry, dead skin cell. Wash off with warm water and pat legs dry.

4.Add just a couple drops of baby oil to your regular body cream.

5.Rub in a generous amount of your lotion on your legs. This will leave them super model beautiful!

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to Wash Your Hands

If your hands are not clean and you touch your face or touch other public surfaces, you may be infecting yourself or spreading germs or disease. Colds, flus, and infectious diarrhea are all known to spread by hand-to-hand contact. Yet, in a survey of adults in the U.S., 92% claimed they regularly wash their hands after using the restroom but only 77% actually did.
Washing your hands regularly can help keep you and those around you healthy by controlling the spread of germs (bacteria and viruses) as well as by removing plain, old dirt. Take the time to wash your hands regularly. Even if you already wash your hands, take the time to do it regularly and right. Here's how.

1. Turn the tap on and evenly spread the water on your hands.

2. Use warm water, not cold or hot, to wash your hands. It might take some testing to get a good temperature. If heated water is not available, use cold water. It may be somewhat less effective or comfortable than washing in warm water, but it is much better than nothing.

3. Use soap. Any type of soap will work, but if it helps you wash your hands more consistently to have soap that is a fun shape or color, or a pleasant fragrance, go for it.
Soap does not have to be antibacterial to do a good job. Soap works by removing germs and soil rather than by killing germs. Scientists question whether antibacterial soaps do any better at preventing germs and disease than regular soaps, and there is some concern that widespread use of antibacterial soaps may breed bacteria that are resistant to those antibacterial agents. Antibacterial soaps may also dry the skin more than ordinary soaps

4. Work up lather on both sides of your hands, in between your fingers, and your wrists. Remember to wash around and under your fingernails.

5. Wash your hands for about 15-20 seconds, around the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday". Be sure and rub your hands vigorously. Don't just rinse off the soap right away. Give it time to do its job and give yourself time to get soap everywhere it should be.

6. Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water with your hands pointed downward but not touching the sink. This removes both the soap and the soil.

7. Use the towel to turn off the faucet, particularly in a public bathroom. If the faucet turns itself off on a spring or a photocell, let it. If not, use a paper towel, or use your elbow or forearm.

8. Dry your hands with a clean towel. Although they are not as good for the environment, paper towels are more sanitary for drying your hands than cloth towels. If you use cloth towels at home, launder them regularly.

9. If you have a lot of grease on your hands, for instance from changing the oil in your car, scrub your hands with a mixture of sugar and washing up liquid to remove the grease easily.

Important Tips

Wash your hands frequently, especially in these situations.
o After using the bathroom.
o After changing a diaper.
o After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.
o After handling surfaces that many people touch, such as doorknobs and railings
o Before preparing or handling food.
o Before eating.
o After handling uncooked eggs or meats.
o After handling garbage.
o After handling animals or animal waste.
o After handling money.
• Use a paper towel to open the door on the way out of a public restroom instead of touching the handle with your freshly washed hands. Don't assume that everybody takes care to wash their hands before leaving. They don't.
• If you're not near a sink and you need to wash your hands, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. If used correctly, it will kill most bacteria. Be aware that it will not necessarily remove other soil. That is, if you just changed the oil in your car, killing germs is not the only reason to clean your hands. It is better to wash your hands if you can.

• You don't need to use loads of soap for washing your hands to be effective. As long as you have plenty of suds, you're doing the job. Use a bit of extra soap if your hands are especially dirty or oily.

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How to Wash Your Face

Washing one's face may appear to be the simplest and least talked about topic on earth, but if not done properly, it can damage your skin and eyes. A face speaks volumes about one's personality, and a well looked after face not only attracts attention and adulation, but fosters confidence in a person. Therefore the face must be cleansed properly and in the right way. It's pretty simple.

1. Tie your hair from your face to stop it from getting annoying. If you have bangs wear a headband or use a hair clip. If you wear glasses or contacts, take them out or off.
2. First wash your hands with a good face soap to clean them.
3. Wet your face with warm water to open your pores.
4. Take the cleanser or face wash and get a small amount on your hands, about the size of a nickel. Rub some on your wet hands. Use cleanser that is gentle enough for your skin.
5. Work up a good lather by rubbing both hands together and applying it on your face.
6. Using your fingers, rub the cleanser all over your face removing dirt on the surface of your skin.
7. Rinse your face with cool, clean water, to close your pores, keeping the soap out of your eyes.
8. Pat your face dry with a clean and soft face towel or toilet paper. Make sure you pat it dry to reduce wrinkles as you mature.
9. It's a good idea to moisturize your face after washing it.

Important tips:-
• Use a soap that suits your skin type: oily, normal or dry.
• If soap gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with water.
• Twice a day should do it. Washing too much will irritate your skin more.
• If your skin is too dry after washing, use water only and pat dry, or apply a moisturizing lotion afterward. Make sure the moisturizer is not oily or it may cause pimples.
• Wash your face twice if you have been wearing makeup. The first wash removes the makeup and the second cleanses the skin.
• Talk to your doctor about possible dermatological issues if you have chronic skin problems. They may very well stem from things you put on your skin: like soap!
• For some people, washing their face with soap can dry their skin out. If you are one of those people, try using a gentle face-wash such as Pro-Active(a face-wash that also helps with acne)or Cetaphil.

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How to Steam Your Face

Steaming your face will open your pores and help your skin be its healthiest. Also, steaming your face can help with acne.

Important tips:-
1.Fill a basin with extra warm water. Make sure the water is not scalding hot or you will burn your face, but it should not be lukewarm either.
2.Hold your face over the basin for 1-3 minutes. This will allow steam to rise up and open up your pores.
3.Drench a washcloth with lemon juice. Place the washcloth on your face and leave it there for 1 minute.
4.Rinse your face with warm water. This is to get any extra lemon juice off.
5.Place the ice cubes gently on your face for 15-30 seconds. This will have a tightening effect on your skin.

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How to Clean Your Skin

Cleaning your skin is an important part of a daily routine. So how do you know you're doing it right? Simple! Follow these steps for bright, clean skin.

1. Steam your face:- This is really simple, just boil the kettle to get some hot water, pour the water into a bowl, then put a towel over your head and hold the bowl (make sure it's not too hot to hold!) near your face for about 5-10 minutes.

2. Wash your face with a cleanser for your skin type. For example, if you have acne, you would want an oil free or lightly medicated cleanser. Nothing too harsh or drying, because you'll more than likely be washing your face twice daily.

3. Rinse your face THOROUGHLY. Make sure the soap is GONE.

4. Pat your face dry with a soft cloth. Don't rub, it spreads bacteria.

5. Once your face is mostly dry, allow it to finish air drying for a few more minutes.

6. Moisturize your face, once again with a product for your skin type.

Important tips:-

• Don't rub hard when you cleanse, or really any time else. Massage gently.
• Harsh, drying cleansers will actually make the problem worse, so go for a mild one.
• Masks are great to add into your skincare routine. Clay masks are great for most skins types, and most masks are recommended for use once or twice weekly.
• If you can without damaging skin, wash your face morning and night. You don't have to steam as often, just as is convenient.
• If you're going to exfoliate...Well, I wouldn't. But make sure you use a gentle exfoliant, and don't do it as much in winter. Your skin needs time to repair itself.
• Always make sure your hands are clean before you start cleaning your face! This will make sure that bacteria and oil from your hands do not end up in your pores.
• Egg makes a nice mask to tighten up pores, and oatmeal is great for oily skin. Just search up natural beauty recipes and you'll find all kinda of great stuff!

Harmful you’re Skin
• Washing your face too much is just as bad as anything else.
• Don't use a cleanser with ingredients you are allergic to.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Step by Step Clean Your Face

Did you know that you have a great deal of control over the texture, clarity, suppleness and long-term health of facial skin just based on how and how often you cleanse? Whether you’re young or old, man or woman, you can do your skin a big favor by cleansing correctly.

Cleansing is arguably the most important part of your basic skincare routine. Proper cleansing gets rid of old surface skin cells, dirt and dust, grime, make-up and bacteria, and keeps skin pores free of clogs and able to breathe freely.

Cleansing also aids circulation and prepares the skin to receive topically applied nutrients and lipids.

1. Cleanse twice a day, no more. Unless you have exposed your skin to excessive dust, grime or pollution, twice-a-day cleansing is more than adequate for any skin type. Cleansing too often strips your skin of precious natural oils. Not cleansing regularly, particularly before you retire for the night, may lead to build-up and eruptions

2. Choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. Do not use soap on facial skin: it can be too harsh and drying and damage skin over time. A too-rich cleanser can clog pores, while a too-dry cleanser can irritate the skin. A cleanser for dry skin should contain nourishing herbs and oils. One for oily skin should include herbs that balance oil production and support clarity. Sensitive skin benefits from an ultra-gentle, fragrance-free, non-irritating cleanser.
Traditional ayurvedic cleansers are made fresh with natural ingredients such as ground oats, lentils or chickpeas, complexion enhancing or clarifying herbs such as turmeric, Amalaki, Neem and sandalwood, emollients such as milk, cream yogurt or honey, and floral or citrus waters for pure healing fragrance. You can make your own by mixing the dry ingredients to last a week or two and blending the mix with milk or cream right before use. Otherwise, look for a natural cleanser that’s gentle and fortified with skin-friendly herbs.

3. Always cleanse with tepid water. Hot water dries and damages skin over time, and cold water won’t dissolve and take away embedded dirt and grime as well as lukewarm water.

4. If you use sponges or washcloths, make sure they are clean and soft. They are not necessary for effective cleansing: your fingertips can do just as good a job.

5. Wash your hands thoroughly before you cleanse your face, or you will be working dirt into facial skin. Use a headband to secure hair away from the face.

6. Start by splashing tepid water on your face and neck.

7. Apply the cleanser with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using gentle circular massaging strokes and moving upward on the face and neck. Do not scrub too much…gentle massaging strokes are enough to help improve circulation as well as loosen grime and old surface skin cells. Too much scrubbing will stretch skin and irritate it, especially the delicate skin around the eyes.
8. Rinse with lots of tepid water. Don’t forget to rinse off cleanser from the neck and hairline. Cleanser residue can clog pores and attract dirt.

9. Gently blot off excess water with a soft towel. Do not scrub dry or drag towel along skin.

10. Follow immediately with a water-based toner and a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type to seal in surface moisture and offer nourishment when skin is receptive.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Information of Back Pain and Solution

Back pain can affect anyone at any age, but it's most common in people between the ages of 35 and 55.
'Acute' and 'chronic' are terms used to describe how long the symptoms last, not how severe they are.
•Acute back pain - less than six weeks.
•Sub-acute back pain - six weeks to three months.
•Chronic back pain - longer than three months.

How your back works
Your spine is made up of many small, inter-connected bones called vertebrae. These are separated by strong connectors called discs, which act as shock absorbers and allow the spine to bend. Your spine is supported along its length by muscles and ligaments. Your spinal cord threads down through the centre of each vertebra, carrying nerves from your brain to the rest of your body.

Causes of back pain
There isn't usually an underlying condition causing back pain - nothing shows up in tests and nothing is permanently damaged. This is called simple or non-specific back pain. Nine out of 10 people with simple back pain recover completely within six weeks.

You're more likely to develop simple back pain if you:
• stand, sit or bend down for long periods
• lift, carry, push or pull loads that are too heavy, or if you go about these tasks in the wrong way
• have a trip or a fall
• are stressed or anxious
• are overweight

Symptoms of back pain
Simple back pain is often in your lower back (lumbar region), and may also spread to your buttocks and thighs. It's often described as a dull pain and can come and go at different times, depending on your level of activity. The pain can begin suddenly or come on gradually if you strain your back over time.

Complications of back pain
Simple back pain usually only lasts a few days and gets better on its own. Occasionally, there may be a more serious underlying cause of your back pain, but this is rare. These causes include osteoporosis, a prolapsed (slipped) disc, spinal stenosis, malformation of the spine, infection or collapse of the vertebrae, tuberculosis or cancer.

You should see your GP as soon as possible if, as well as back pain, you have:
• fever (high temperature)
• redness or swelling on your back
• pain down your legs and below your knees
• numbness or weakness in one or both legs or around your buttocks
• loss of bladder or bowel control (incontinence)
Some symptoms are called "red flags" and may indicate that you require treatment for an underlying condition. You should see your GP if:
• your pain is the result of an injury
• you're under 20 or over 55 and the pain lasts for more than a few days
• you have had or currently have cancer in any part of your body
• you have HIV/AIDS
• you have been taking steroid medicines for more than a few months
Diagnosis of back pain
Your GP will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. He or she may also ask you about your medical history.
If your pain lasts longer than six weeks, or if your GP suspects there is some underlying cause of your pain, he or she may recommend more tests such as:
• X-rays
• CT scans - a CT scan uses X-rays to make a three-dimensional image of the body/or part of the body
• MRI - an MRI scan uses magnets and radiowaves to produce images of the inside of your body
• blood tests
Treatment of back pain
There are many things you can do to help yourself.
• Stay active - return to your usual level of physical activity as soon as possible. This may hurt more at first, but it will help you get better and reduce your risk of getting simple back pain again.
• Bed rest - if the pain is so bad that you can't get moving, keep the time you stay in bed as short as possible. Lying in bed can do more harm than good.
• Stay positive and set yourself goals - this will help you get back to your usual levels of physical activity.
• Heat therapy - apply a hot water bottle or heat pack directly to the affected area, or take a hot bath.
• Ice therapy - apply a cold compress, such as ice or a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a towel. Don't apply ice directly to your skin because you could damage it.
• Pace yourself - be careful not to overdo it when your pain improves.

Taking a painkiller (such as aspirin or paracetamol) or anti-inflammatory medicine (such as ibuprofen) is often enough to relieve simple back pain and can help you keep active. You can also use creams, lotions and gels that contain painkillers or anti-inflammatory ingredients that can be applied directly onto the painful area.

If your pain continues, your GP may prescribe stronger medicines such as diazepam, morphine or tramadol. However, these aren't suitable for everyone because they can be addictive and cause side-effects.

Your GP or pharmacist will advise you which treatment is the most appropriate for you. Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine and if you have any questions, ask your GP or pharmacist for advice.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
TENS relieves back pain by delivering mild electric pulses to the painful area through electrodes on your skin. These stimulate your nerve fibres and block the pain signals to your brain. TENS isn't suitable for everybody and isn't always effective. You should check with your GP before you use TENS and make sure you know how to use it properly.

Physiotherapists can assess and treat your back pain, and teach you exercises to do at home that will increase your mobility and help you manage your pain. You should only see a physiotherapist registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Osteopathy and chiropractic are treatments involving manipulation of the body, mainly focusing on the spine. They are most useful if you have had back pain for less than three months and can provide short-term (most often) or long-term pain relief. These treatments aren't suitable for everybody and aren't always effective, so it's important to speak to your GP first. You should only see an osteopath registered with the General Osteopathic Council or a chiropractor registered with the General Chiropractic Council.

Pain clinics
If your pain continues, your GP may refer you to a pain clinic. Pain clinics offer a range of treatments that are known to be effective and can also help you deal with your pain by changing the way you think about it. Treatments at pain clinics are often combined and tailored to suit your needs.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines (usually steroids) can be injected directly into the epidural space (the space around your spinal cord) or around the joints of your spine to ease pain and decrease inflammation. These injections are only given by specialist doctors in hospitals. Epidural injections are usually only done if other treatments don't work.

Surgery is considered as a last resort in the treatment of back pain. The type of surgery you're offered will depend on the cause of your pain and each type has different risks and success rates. Your surgeon will discuss the different options with you in more detail.

Complementary therapies
The following complementary therapies may help with back pain in some people. You should talk to your GP before trying them as he or she may be able to refer you to a specialist practitioner experienced in treating back pain.

• Acupuncture.
• Counselling.
• The Alexander Technique - becoming more aware of your body's balance, posture, and movement.
• Herbal remedies.
• Massage.

Prevention of back pain
Good back care can greatly reduce your risk of back pain. To look after your back, make sure you:
• take regular exercise - walking and swimming are particularly recommended
• try to reduce your stress levels - use relaxation techniques
• bend from your knees and hips - not your back
• maintain good posture - keep your shoulders back and don't slouch

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Back Pain Treatment

Treatment of low back pain usually begins with a few basic steps. Before beginning any back pain treatment program, be sure you know your diagnosis, and discuss the treatment plan with your doctor. There are some conditions that cause back pain and require immediate treatment. For most cases of back pain, the first treatments are as follows:

The first step in the treatment of low back pain is to rest the spine. Because most cases of back pain are due to muscle strain, it is important to avoid further irritation to the spine and the muscles that surroung the spinal column. Bed rest is fine, so long as this only lasts two to three days. Prolonged bed rest can actually lead to more persistent back pain. Once the acute back pain eases, avoid lifting, twisting, and physical exertion.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications
Anti-inflammatory medications, or NSAIDs, are helpful in treatment of both back pain and the associated inflammation. There are both over-the-counter and prescription NSAIDs, and both work well in the treatment of back pain. Side-effects of NSAIDs include problems of GI bleeding, and these medications should be avoided in patients with stomach ulcers.

Heat Application
Applications of heat packs help ease much of the discomfort associated with muscle spasm causing low back pain. Patients can use heating pad, hot water bottles, or even a hot bath to help ease the muscle discomfort that often causes low back pain.

• Exercises
Strengthening of back muscles is probably the most important step in treatment of most causes of back pain. By increasing strength and flexibility of back muscles, weight is better distributed, and less force is placed on the spine.

These simple measures often lead to resolution of the symptoms of low back pain. If not, you should certainly be under the direct care of a physician to aid in the treatment of your condition. There are further steps in the treatment of low back pain that can be considered:

Narcotic Pain Medications
Narcotic pain medications are excellent at relieving pain, but these can be dangerous, addictive medications. These medications include Percocet, Vicoden, Oxycontin, and others. Using narcotic medications must be under close supervision, and only for a limited period of time. prolonged use of narcotic medication can be dangerous.

• Muscle Relaxers
Muscle relaxing medications can be very helpful in the treatment of some types of back pain. Muscle relaxers are sold under the trade names of Flexeril, Soma, Valium, and others. These medications help to relieve muscle spasm, but may also make patients quite drowsy.

• Physical TherapyBack exercises, as listed above, are the focus of physical therapy. However, there are other modalities that can be used in the treatment of back pain if the exercises alone do not help. Modalities include aquatherapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and others.

• Epidural Steroid Injections
Epidural steroid injections are an option for back pain treatment and inflammation around the spinal nerves. An epidural steroid injection is performed using an x-ray to guide the medication to the area adjacent to the inflamed spinal nerve.

• Spine Surgery
Usually a step when extensive efforts at conservative back pain treatment fails to relieve symptoms. Read on to learn about different types of spine surgery and the types of back pain these treatments may help.

My advice for people who are not finding relief is this: First, find a physician (orthopedist or general internist) you are comfortable and confident with, and work with him or her for at minimum several months--too many people jump from physician to physician and miss out on a complete evaluation. Second, you have to understand that back pain is often not a quick or easy fix. A dedicated approach to physical therapy and exercises often will alleviate back pain. If you're unwilling to perform exercises, your treatment may be less satisfactory. Finally, don't give up--there's usually more that can be done in the treatment of back pain.

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Causes of Dark Circles

Dark circles - ever wonder why you get them?

Heredity is the primary cause of dark circles. Like so many things - eye color, curly or straight hair, skin tone - predisposition for dark circles is inherited.

The genes related to dark circles are actually the genes that cause weakened capillaries in the skin around your eyes (learn more about the biology of dark under-eye circles). Skin tone, including transparency of the skin, is also inherited and can make dark circles appear more dramatic.

What Causes Dark Circles?
Heredity isn't the only cause of dark circles. A variety of factors, both common and uncommon, can influence or cause the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles and sun exposure
Exposure to the sun can exacerbate your dark circles. Sunlight darkens the skin by raising melanin levels and bringing melanin to the surface of the skin. These boosted melanin levels make dark circles look darker.

So if you notice dark circles after a trip to the beach or the tanning bed, you're not alone.
Do fatigue or lack of sleep cause dark circles?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: not exactly. Lack of sleep makes your skin pale, which emphasizes your dark circles. Anything else that makes your skin pale, like fatigue or illness, makes your dark circles much more noticeable.

Pregnancy and menstruation also frequently make your skin pale. Many people associate dark circles with hormones -- but the hormones don't cause dark circles, just paleness.

The link between allergies and dark circles

Many people associate allergies with dark circles. This is a real and established connection. In fact, many doctors consider dark circles as an indication of allergies in children.
Allergies cause dark circles in two ways: first, histamine reactions themselves can cause dark smudges to appear under the eyes. The biology of this is way too complicated to get into here. Second, allergies frequently cause the eyes to feel itchy. Rubbing the eyes and the skin around the eyes makes dark circles even darker.

Age and dark circles
Yes, it's true -- age makes dark circles even worse. As we age, the skin of our faces becomes thinner. Thinner skin allows the discoloration of dark circles to be seen more easily, and dark circles become much more obvious.

Nutrition and dark circles
In some rare cases, lack of vitamins can cause dark circles under the eyes. This is relatively uncommon. Nevertheless, if you're not eating a balanced healthy diet, you may see dark circles. And sometimes changing to a more healthy diet can help to diminish those dark circles.

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Dark Under-Eye Circles

Most people think that dark under-eye circles are caused by staying up late watching monster movies, or having that last drink the night before, or sitting up with your laptop trying to finish the quarterly report. Most people think that their behavior is somehow linked to dark under-eye circles.

Well, most people are dead wrong.

If nothing else, I want you to know that dark under-eye circles are not your fault. They don't mysteriously appear when you misbehave or are stressed out, only to vanish when you get 8 straight hours of sleep. Dark under-eye circles are a by-product of the very same mechanism that produces bruises (and you don't blame yourself for bruising, do you?). Changing your behavior will, in almost every case, NOT get rid of your dark under-eye circles.
Having said that, onto the specifics:

What causes dark under-eye circles

Your shiners, your raccoon eyes, your blue luggage... whatever you call your dark under-eye circles, here's what they really are: oxidizing hemoglobin.
Dark under-eye circles begin in the capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that web the delicate skin around the eyes. Now, your capillaries are so small that red blood cells sometimes have to line up, single file, to get through. Frequently, red blood cells get lost and wander into the surrounding skin. This isn't a problem - it happens all the time - and your body has a mechanism to mop up these escapees. Enzymes in your body break down the red blood cells, including their hemoglobin (the molecule that gives them their distinctive red color).
No problem, right? Except for one thing: when hemoglobin is broken down, its remaining components have a dark blue-black color. Just like a bruise. So your dark under-eye circles are actually caused by leaky capillaries.

How dark under-eye circles are like bruises

When something hits you, blood vessels are traumatized and sometimes broken. Blood leaks out into the surrounding skin. Your body begins the mopping-up process, and you see a dark, purplish or blue-black discoloration.

So, as you can see, dark under-eye circles are very similar to bruises. The same mechanisms produce them.

Why are dark under-eye circles so visible?

It's quite possible that capillaries all over your body are leaking small amounts of blood all the time (I don't know if this is true or not). But the reason dark under-eye circles are so apparent is this: the skin around the eyes is some of the thinnest, most delicate skin of your entire body. The capillaries are much closer to the surface of the skin there. Many people's skin is not only thinner around the eyes, but also more translucent.

The combination of capillaries near the skin's surface and translucent skin makes this discoloration much more apparent. And that's why you have those dark under-eye circles staring back at you in the mirror.

Getting rid of dark under-eye circles
Now that you know they're not your fault, you're probably even more likely to want to get rid of those pesky and unattractive dark under-eye circles. Check out RevitaLume for dark circles under the eyes to get the help you need. You can also look into home remedies for dark circles while you're waiting for your new products to come in the mail.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Control your Face Pimple

Are you unwell of bearing in mind all types of ad in magazines, on television, and even on your computer while surfing the net? Do you want to get clear of the acne all over your face and body? There are ways to cure your a skin condition and you can do it naturally. Here is how to cure a skin condition the natural way.

The first natural way to get control of your pimples, zits, blemishes, a skin condition, or whatever you want to call those self esteem killers is to use tea tree oil. This is just as strong and as good as the main ingredient in the entire over the counter and as seen on TV medications. You can pick it up at any health food store and it is not very expensive.

You will want to apply it to your skin twice a day. Leave it on and let it soak in for about 10 to 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water followed by cold water. This will help clear up your skin in a hurry and keep those pimples under control.

The second natural cure for a skin condition is to use garlic and milk. There are tons of articles and information about this cure and it would be wrong not to include it. Get raw garlic, chop it up, and soak it in milk. After about 30 minutes you need to rub it all over the areas that break out the most and already have blemishes.

The last cure is to stop touching your face, stressing yourself out, and start cleaning your face properly. Most of the acne comes from a dirty face. You will want to wash your face at least twice daily and use warm water to open the pores. Then, use a light soak and rinse with cold water. This will help cure acne the natural way and control pimples.

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Eye Cleaning for Newborns

What is the best way to clean a newborn baby’s eyes? The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) advises using cooled boiled water, especially if there is a sticky eye problem. Other websites seem not to mention specific care for the eyes or recommend using the same bathwater as used for the rest of the baby’s body.

Option for cleaning a newborn baby’s eyes. Bathwater might contain bubble bath that could lead to eye irritation. Also, if your baby is already sitting in the bath when you use the water to clean the eyes, the water would not be completely clean and you could risk introducing infection.

Reducing infection risk
Bathe your baby’s eyes either before or after a bath. Prepare a small bowl of boiled water and let it cool to body temperature, then wash your hands thoroughly under the tap. Dip a piece of cotton wool in the bowl, squeeze it, and then gently wipe your baby’s eye from the nose outwards. If your baby’s eye is sticky, repeat this until the eye is clean using a new piece of cotton wool for each wipe.

Repeat on the other side, again with a fresh piece of cotton wool which will avoid transferring any infection from the first eye or your baby‘s face.

Gently pat your baby‘s face dry with a soft towel.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What are the daytime effects of sleep debt, and how can they hamper my blood sugar control?

Low Energy: daytime somnolence (extreme sleepiness); frequent napping
• Beware of driving; increased risk of accidents
• May be too tired to prepare “healthy” meals or eat on schedule
• Likely not to maintain exercise regimen

Impaired Cognition

• Impaired psychomotor performance; longer periods of sleep loss lead to greater impact on speed of performance (e.g.: preparing and administering insulin injections may become more challenging)
• Reduction in performance of reasoning tasks (e.g.: sticking to diet, carb counting)
• Impaired short term memory or recall (e.g.: remembering to test or give insulin on schedule, recalling what you ate for lunch for food diary)
• Impaired decision making under conditions of uncertainty, worse with age (e.g.: selecting best choices from a restaurant menu)
• Typically affects tasks that are long or monotonous with no feedback or motivation (e.g.: driving leads to increased accidents and citations)

Depressed Mood: irritability, depression, anxiety; lack of motivation
• can lead to failure to follow prescribed plan, poor health habits, missed appointments, lack of foot care
• lack of stamina may lead to social isolation, limiting social and physical activity, and even development of pressure ulcers or other wounds due to self-negligence

*There is strong evidence of the reversal of all of the effects of sleep loss following recovery from sleep deprivation. Energy improves as fatigue fades. Memory improves via restored brain neurons; recall and concentration improve. Mood gradually returns to what is normal for you. Some of these factors will improve more quickly than others, and each person’s experience will differ to some degree.

A Final Word on Sleep Restriction:

Sleep Restriction in general appears to increase appetite and food cravings by altering levels of unique hormones in the body. Chronic Sleep Deprivation results from long-term inadequate sleep quantity and/or quality, ultimately leading to weight gain, insulin resistance and/or glucose intolerance, and increased fatigue. This begins a forward-moving cycle of increased hunger coupled with decreased physical activity that is almost certain to result in weight gain, and consequently worsening control of diabetes. This cycle has been shown to lead directly to the Metabolic Syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in previously healthy people.
The impact of sleep deprivation appears to impact so many systems that many experts are predicting that sleep habit will be added to diet, exercise and smoking as major modifiable risk factors for a number of chronic diseases in the foreseeable future.

Sleep hygiene for optimum health:

• Keep regular bed- and wake times, even on the weekends
• Try not to nap during the day. If you must nap, limit to brief periods (10-15 minutes rest)
• Ensure bedroom conditions are conducive to sleep (dark, quiet, comfortable temperature, comfortable pillow and mattress; use earplugs or eyeshades if necessary)
• Restrict caffeine to before 10:00 a.m.; give it up altogether ideally.
• Do not smoke during the evening hours (if you must smoke at all).
• Limit alcohol to light consumption (it can fragment sleep architecture leading to frequent waking)
• Limit food and beverage intake for three hours prior to bedtime, if permitted by your meal plan.
• Regular exercise is a must, but finish at least four to six hours prior to bedtime. An exception is for those with anxiety, in which case light exercise before bedtime may help them to relax.
• Get at least 30 minutes’ exposure to sunlight in the morning hours, and avoid bright lights in the evenings. This includes avoiding computer and TV screens in the hours prior to bedtime.
• Do not bring business or homework into the bedroom; no TV either. Recreational reading is OK. Keep the bedroom a place for quiet and rest.
• Practice stress management techniques as necessary or appropriate.
• Keep a bedside diary to record problems, plans etc. so they don’t remain in your mind preventing sleep. Avoid reading or watching news about troubling events just before bed.
• A warm bath one to two hours prior to bedtime may help promote sleep. A warm glass of milk helps for many people as well, but be sure it fits into your meal plan.

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How much sleep is required by the average person?

Teens: 9-10 hours per night
Adults: 7-8 ½ hours per night
Older Adults: 6 ½ - 7 ½ hours per night, plus a 1 hour nap each afternoon

Why is sleep so important? The functions of deep sleep include:

•Growth hormone production essential for growth and development
•Restorative functions such as tissue repair and growth
•Blood pressure is lowered, providing rest to the heart and circulatory system
•Adjusting metabolic processes including glucose utilization and storage, and the ratio of appetite-controlling hormones.
•Important functions of the nervous system (nerves) including memory consolidation (improves recall)
•Decreased stress hormone production (cortisol, adrenaline)
•Production of hormones that fuel the immune system

Insufficient Sleep Syndrome can result from:
•Decreased/inadequate sleep time
•Irregular sleep/wake cycle and poor sleep habits
•Substance abuse including overuse of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine (Caffeine can affect sleep architecture up to 10-12 hours after consumption leading to frequent arousals and fragmented sleep, reduced total sleep time, and decreased sleep efficiency.) (Alcohol causes frequent arousals and is associated with sleep apnea.)
•Shift work (e.g.: doctors, nurses, truck drivers, soldiers)
•Pain or discomfort related to medical or psychological conditions.

Primary sleep disorders include:

•Insomnia: the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep
•Restless legs syndrome (RLS): unpleasant feelings in the legs like creepy, crawly or tingly feelings at night with an urge to move upon lying down to sleep
•Narcolepsy: a neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate normal sleep-wake cycles. Daytime features include excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), cataplexy (sudden muscle weakness, especially in the legs but also the face and neck, that is brought on by strong emotion, especially laughing), and sudden sleep attacks. Nighttime features include insomnia, dream-like hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.
•OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

By far the most common sleep disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA is characterized by pauses, known as apneas, in breathing during sleep due to upper airway collapse or shallow breathing. These episodes occur repeatedly throughout sleep leading to disturbance of normal sleep patterns (known as sleep architechture) that are important for health. Snoring is the most obvious sign of sleep apnea, although not all people who snore have sleep apnea. There are several ways that a physician may identify patients at risk for OSA, but a true diagnosis requires a polysomnogram, which entails an overnight study in a controlled sleep laboratory.

The consequences of untreated OSA are known collectively as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Considerable data supports OSAS as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including hypertension, stroke, heart failure and cardiac sudden death. OSAS also appears to be closely associated with the Metabolic Syndrome. In addition, it is now theorized that OSAS is independently associated with glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes, and possibly insulin resistance.

Treatment options for OSA may include one or more of the following:

•Weight control
•Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)/BIPAP Therapy *Gold standard
•Surgical interventions
•Dental/oral appliances
•Positional therapy

*The good news: Data indicates that compliance with CPAP therapy may provide a protective effect against OSAS and appears to improve the diseases associated with it, as well as prevent death from CVD. Similarly, surgical weight loss methods have been shown to be very successful in treating OSA and its associated conditions, as well as improving blood glucose parameters often to the point of no longer needing medication.

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How Your Sleep Can Affect Your Diabetes Control

You have probably long known that getting a good night’s sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. After all, who hasn’t heard that we should all sleep 8 hours each night? You might even be aware that when you fail to get enough sleep you aren’t “yourself” and begin to feel “run-down.” But did you know that getting inadequate sleep can directly affect your blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as your appetite? And long-term your HbAIc levels and even your risks for obesity, cardiovascular diseases, mood disorders and cognitive decline can increase.

New research suggests that a large number of people with sleep disorders remain undiagnosed, but that with treatment people suffering from sleep deprivation can avoid all of the potential problems just noted. So take a closer look at sleep disorders and sleep habits now, and decide whether you (or a loved one) should be further evaluated for a potential sleep disorder that might be interfering with your efforts to control your diabetes.

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