Thursday, March 5, 2009

Signs of Skin Ageging

Like the rest of our body tissue, skin gradually loses its youthful appearance and efficiency with age. By the time you've reached your early to mid thirties, the outward signs of ageing are already becoming established.

What happens when what Skin ages?
Changes in the dermis reflection the surface. Production of collagen and elastin slows down, so the skin becomes thinner, losing its plumpness, firmness and elasticity. As the structure of the collagen bundles become uneven, the skin's foundation begins to crumble. Surface signs are deeper lines, wrinkles and a sagging skin texture.

A more sluggish circulation results in a paler complexion. Less efficiently nourished cells also become sluggish. Turnover can become as much as 50 per cent slower, meaning that dead cells hang around on the surface longer.

A build up of redundant cells on the surface means an inefficient barrier function. In addition, hormonal fluctuations lead to a reduction in sebum production, so the skin's surface becomes rougher, dryer and less able to prevent moisture loss from below.

Chronic moisture loss means cells risk dehydration and skin loses its plumpness even further. Dry skin also risks sensitivity Harsh environmental conditions heighten these risks and increase skin damage.

Efficient skin care can't actively slow down this natural ageing process but it can significantly help limit damage and improve skin appearance.

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