Friday, February 27, 2009

Hoemamde Facial, Facials Mask Recipe at home

Do homemade facials work? If you enjoy them they do. Taking an hour out for yourself is one of life's luxuries and a professional facial is so relaxing your face is bound to look better afterward. But what of the long-term benefits of a professional cleansing and facial massage?

Homemade Facial Recipe
For a basic homemade facial you can do yourself, simply follow these simple steps:
1. Cleanse with cream or foam, massaging the face with circular movements. Rinse with tepid water and a soft sponge. Blot the skin damp, not dry.

2. Exfoliate using a gentle granular or latex-based "gommage", concentrating on problem zones. Rinse and pat dry.

3. Massage with a nourishing oil or cream.

4. Apply a mask directly over your moisturized skin, to encourage the cream to penetrate further. Soak cotton pads in eye make-up remover, or use cold camomile tea bags, and place over the eyelids. Relax for 10 minutes.

5. Remove mask and apply toner.

6. Moisturize with your regular day or night formula.


Certainly massage can help lymphatic glands clear swelling and puffiness, maintains Dr David Fenton of St Thomas's hospital, London. However, the afterglow is short term as it is due to a temporary blood circulation boost. He also believes that the effects of a firming home facial, which uses electrical currents to stimulate the skin, last only a matter of hours - days at most. And if you have very greasy, acne-prone skin, he suggests avoiding stimulating facials completely as they can aggravate sebaceous glands.

Professional beauty therapists argue that treating yourself to a facial is extremely worthwhile as it is usually the beginning of a better relationship with your skin. As facials arc invariably" diagnostic, therapists use products best suited to your skin type and recommend a program for home use.

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