Friday, February 27, 2009

Hoemamde Facial, Facials Mask Recipe at home

Do homemade facials work? If you enjoy them they do. Taking an hour out for yourself is one of life's luxuries and a professional facial is so relaxing your face is bound to look better afterward. But what of the long-term benefits of a professional cleansing and facial massage?

Homemade Facial Recipe
For a basic homemade facial you can do yourself, simply follow these simple steps:
1. Cleanse with cream or foam, massaging the face with circular movements. Rinse with tepid water and a soft sponge. Blot the skin damp, not dry.

2. Exfoliate using a gentle granular or latex-based "gommage", concentrating on problem zones. Rinse and pat dry.

3. Massage with a nourishing oil or cream.

4. Apply a mask directly over your moisturized skin, to encourage the cream to penetrate further. Soak cotton pads in eye make-up remover, or use cold camomile tea bags, and place over the eyelids. Relax for 10 minutes.

5. Remove mask and apply toner.

6. Moisturize with your regular day or night formula.


Certainly massage can help lymphatic glands clear swelling and puffiness, maintains Dr David Fenton of St Thomas's hospital, London. However, the afterglow is short term as it is due to a temporary blood circulation boost. He also believes that the effects of a firming home facial, which uses electrical currents to stimulate the skin, last only a matter of hours - days at most. And if you have very greasy, acne-prone skin, he suggests avoiding stimulating facials completely as they can aggravate sebaceous glands.

Professional beauty therapists argue that treating yourself to a facial is extremely worthwhile as it is usually the beginning of a better relationship with your skin. As facials arc invariably" diagnostic, therapists use products best suited to your skin type and recommend a program for home use.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Wash Short Hair

A quick guide to help you wash short hair. It is harder at times to get it all rinsed out and washed with short hair.

1.Jump in the shower with your choice of one shampoo and conditioner. You need to get it wet in the shower instead of a sink or faucet because the water hits your hair and gets it wet quicker and more efficient.

2.Wet your hair with cool-warm water for about a minute. That's all you need to do for short hair to wet it.

3.Put about a quarter-sized amount of shampoo in your hand. Rub it together lightly in your hands, but don't let it run on the bottom of the tub.

4.Take one hand and rub it on the top of your hair,and the other on the bottom part.

5.Lather it for thirty seconds to a minute and then rinse.

6.Repeat with conditioner about 2 times.

•When you condition your hair, be sure to especially get the bottom part or the more layered, flexible pieces of your hair.

•Make sure you rinse your hair completely, don't quit rinsing the top until the scalp squeaks.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Blow Dry Hair

In a world of early mornings, late nights, endless last minute jobs and frantic hurrying, the 'towel off and run' gig doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Sure, every hairdresser vows that constant blow drying will damage your locks. But how, exactly, are you supposed to stroll into your office job wearing a suit - with dripping wet hair? How do you make it to that party without ratty wet ringlets? Air drying may be healthy and natural, but blow drying, when done carefully and with the right techniques, can not only keep your locks dry, but also improve them, without excess damage. So if you're sick of wet patches on the back of your shirt and frantically rubbing your wet "do" with a towel, then ditch your old routine and improve your blow drying techniques today.

Important Step

1. Wash your hair
You can use your regular shampoo, but for better blow drying effects and protection, try washing with a moisturizing shampoo (Dry Hair Formula, as it's often called). This type of shampoo will provide extra moisture that will protect your hair from the effects of the blow dryer. It will also protect it from any other heat caused by straightening or curling, and generally add more moisture to your locks. You don't have to buy a super expensive brand - moisturizing shampoos are available just about anywhere for all kinds of prices, so look around and secure the best deal for you.

2. Towel off your hair slightly
just enough to stop the dripping. Never, ever rub your hair with the towel as the friction causes split ends frizzy dryness and generally does a lot of damage. Instead, gently wrap the towel around your hair and squeeze, like blotting the water out of your hair. If you have hair that's too short a length for that technique, wrap the towel around your head and rub very very gently using strong, circular motions. Don't rub too fast or hard, and if you can feel pain or hair breaking, then use your common sense and stop. Your hair doesn't have to be very dry at all after towelling; it just shouldn't be excessively soaked and dripping everywhere.

3. Separate your hair into sections
The bigger the section, the longer it will take to dry. It's best to go for 4-6 sections, but make sure nothing is tangled. If you have thick or longer hair, try using clips to help. If your hair's a bit too short, you may want to just part it into two sections.

4. Start blow drying at the top/roots
About six inches away from your scalp. Maintain this distance throughout, so nothing burns. Never blow dry in an upwards motion, as this causes more damage. Plus, by drying the hair on your scalp, it prevents the moisture from soaking the rest of your hair.
5. Work your way down
and remember to move the blow dryer around, again, so nothing burns. If you simply focus the dryer on one spot for too long it will dry out and burn the hair, rather than simply drying it gently.
6. Leave your hair a little bit damp
Don't ever dry until your whole head is completely dry - you need to leave in some moisture, so your hair won't dry out, and become frizzy or damaged. Leave it tolerably damp, not so it soaks your clothes, but so it will dry naturally in about 5-10 minutes.

7. Finish with a blast of cold air
to lock in shine. Brush through your hair gently, or de-tangle it with your fingers. If needed, apply a moisturizing or ant-frizz serum and brush it through evenly. You can even use a tiny bit of olive oil for a more "natural" option. These will work to keep your locks shiny and smooth, and now, dry, all day long!

Important Tips

•Never blow dry your hair when it is dripping wet, otherwise, you'll just be boiling your hair. Towel off first.
•Always blow dry in a downwards motion and in one direction. This will help prevent frizz and those split ends.
•If you can, try not to blow dry more than three times a week. When you can afford to let your hair air dry, do so. If it's on the weekend when you've got free time, or when you don't have to be anywhere, simply comb through your wet hair gently and let it dry by itself. Generally, hair should be washed about two times a week anyway.
•If your hair is very short, you might get off with just a towel dry, or a two minute blow dry.
•You should apply a moisturizing hair spray, anti-frizz cream or conditioner after you're finished blow drying, just to quench your hairs' thirst. A more healthy and natural option would be applying a tiny bit of olive oil, as this enhances shine and adds in healthy, natural moisture.
•Don't get smart with the hairdryer trying different angles, thinking you're a professional - you're not.
•Don't frazzle your locks. You may be late for a meeting, but you don't want to walk in with a haystack for hair.
•Never blow dry your hair because you're bored. Using a hair-dryer does damage your hair, so the less you blow dry, the better quality your hair will be in.
•Doesn’t brush dripping wet hair - generally your fingers should work for any de-tangling?
•Keep brushes and combs clean.
•Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to ward off split ends.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Correct Sleeping Habits

In this very important chapter you will learn how to correct some bad sleeping habits which rob you of your maximum height potential. For example many of you only get 3 and 4 hours of sleep each night. Well, did you know that if you remained in bed for several days that within that time span you would actually increase your height as much as a full inch?

Unfortunately, this increase in height is only a temporary condition. As soon as you are up and around again the forces of gravity compress the disc between the vertebrae to their original width, and you revert back to your original height. While you are lying in bed there is no pressure on the vertebral disc, which allows it to expand, thus explaining our normal growth pattern. However, only a small percentage of this expansion is retained. Exercise must be used to strengthen and maintain this expansion at its peak. Otherwise, the normal forces of gravity will take their toll. On the other hand, in order to reap the benefits of our detailed exercise program, you must also assure yourself of getting the proper rest otherwise the exercise is useless by itself. As a rule, we strongly recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep for best results. In order to maximize your fullest height potential, there are some very important tips you need to know about sleeping. Make sure your mattress is firm and capable of giving your body full support. This is to aid in keeping your spine as straight as possible while sleeping. A soft or sagging mattress will tend to bend the spine and curve the torso in a sinking effect, which must be avoided. A good mattress will support the whole body, which will keep it in a straight posture setting ? a must for obtaining greater height.

Now that you'll be sleeping on a good mattress, there's another bad habit that most of you must rid yourselves of "using a pillow". This is a very common mistake made by most of us because we are led to believe that a pillow allows for a more comfortable night's sleep so, through habit, we become attached and generally accept this as the most comfortable way to sleep. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The use of a pillow is an incorrect form of sleeping and should be avoided.

Consider these facts:

1. While lying on your back with your head resting on a pillow, your neck is bent forward in a very unnatural position.

2. In this position, your head is being pushed forward and your back is arched, also a very unnatural position.

3. If you suffer from frequent neck or back pains, in the majority of cases you can probably blame it on your pillow or mattress.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Make Your Face Look Bright and Awake

Even when we do our normal makeup routine in the morning, we still can look tired and drowsy. Here is a way you can keep your old makeup routine, but add in a few tricks to look brighter and awake!

1. Wash your face. Remove all dead skin from all areas including the nasal creases. Use a good face wash.

2. Use a good eye brightening cream around your eye area, something that will give you a good awake feeling. Also, use a skin brightener on places around your face where you find it is very dark. Not too much though, a little goes a long way!

3. If you notice your eyes are red, use some eye drops to cool them off.

4. Do your makeup routine. Once you are finished, grab a shimmery white face powder and a light brush. Lightly brush your face with very little of this. Under your eyes, use a little on top of your concealer. I mean very little. This is just to brighten your face a little. Not make it whiter.

Important Tips

• When using the shimmer, use very little.
• Put a small amount of shimmer on the inside corner of your eye, to make them look wider and more awake.
• Take a shower the night before. if you do it in the morning, it will just make your face look paler and puffier.
• Masks are good ways to get rid of dead skin.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homemade Facial, Facials Mask Recipe at Home

Do homemade facials work? If you enjoy them they do. Taking an hour out for yourself is one of life's luxuries and a professional facial is so relaxing your face is bound to look better afterward. But what of the long-term benefits of a professional cleansing and facial massage?

Homemade Facial Recipe
For a basic homemade facial you can do yourself, simply follow these simple steps:

1. Cleanse with cream or foam, massaging the face with circular movements. Rinse with tepid water and a soft sponge. Blot the skin damp, not dry.
2. Exfoliate using a gentle granular or latex-based "gommage", concentrating on problem zones. Rinse and pat dry.
3. Massage with a nourishing oil or cream.
4. Apply a mask directly over your moisturized skin, to encourage the cream to penetrate further. Soak cotton pads in eye make-up remover, or use cold chamomile tea bags, and place over the eyelids. Relax for 10 minutes.
5. Remove mask and apply toner.
6. Moisturize with your regular day or night formula.

Certainly massage can help lymphatic glands clear swelling and puffiness, maintains Dr David Fenton of St Thomas's hospital, London. However, the afterglow is short term as it is due to a temporary blood circulation boost. He also believes that the effects of a firming home facial, which uses electrical currents to stimulate the skin, last only a matter of hours - days at most. And if you have very greasy, acne-prone skin, he suggests avoiding stimulating facials completely as they can aggravate sebaceous glands.
Professional beauty therapists argue that treating yourself to a facial is extremely worthwhile as it is usually the beginning of a better relationship with your skin. As facials arc invariably" diagnostic, therapists use products best suited to your skin type and recommend a program for home use.

For More Information please visit website: -

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Importance of Moisture for Skin

Skin needs moisture - that's the bottom line. A water quota of no less than a healthy 60 per cent gives skin its smooth, plump, translucent quality, bathes cells with nutrients and keeps them soft and functional. A moisturizer's most basic job in supplement the skin's Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) (a cocktail of moisture-attracting humectants and preservatives), help preserve fluid in the skin's upper layers and prevent losses which hasten ageing.As environmental factors such as sunlight, central heating, wind, cold and pollution all encourage moisture loss, state-of-the-art creams are designed to buffer external aggression by reinforcing the skin's own barrier mechanisms.

In young, healthy skin natural oils and friendly flora preserve the slightly acidic mantle that keeps the barrier function of the horny outer layer intact. Overlapping dead skin cells form a scaly, water-resistant seal against dehydration. As skin ages, however, natural oil production drops and the skin surface becomes drier and less moisture-retentive. Surface scales roughen and gaps appear in the barrier, through which moisture can escape. As cell turnover also slows with ageing, it takes longer for replacement cells to reach the surface and repair breaches. A mal- functioning surface barrier leaves cells in the skin's lower layers vulnerable to damage. So, creams that help to reinforce the stratum corneum seem like the obvious answer. For, if the horny layer is doing its job, the deeper skin layers - where ageing begins - are more able to look after themselves.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

How to Protect Your Skin from Sunlight?

Skin colour depends on a natural brownish pigment called melanin. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, situated at intervals between cells in the dermis. All skins rom Scandanavian pale to Ethiopian mahogany, contain the same quota of melanocytes, but the melanocyte cells of some skins are more efficient producers of melanin than others.

The function of melanin is to act as a natural sunscreen that absorbs and filters ultraviolet rays so they cannot reach and damage the dermis. Sunlight stimulates the melanocytes to produce melanin to stave off UV radiation. Consequently, people who originate from nearest the equator have the most efficient melanocytes, while those of Northern European origin have the most inefficient, and are therefore at greatest risk from sun damage. Freckles indicate unevenly distributed melanin and poor protection against ultraviolet damage.

Is It Worth Getting a tan?
Whereas moderate sunlight enables the skin to synthesize vitamin D, excessive sun is the single greatest threat to skin health. Dermatologists estimate that 80 per cent of lines, wrinkles, sagging and coarsening are directly caused by ultra- violet light. Countless comparisons between the weatherbeaten faces of octogenarians and their smoother, seldom exposed body zones show how a lifetime under the sun leaves its mark. Sunlight ages the skin and creates a potential cancer risk. it used to be thought that only the "burning" ultraviolet-B rays posed a threat. Now it is known that whereas 95 per cent of these short-wave rays are absorbed by the epidermis, 80 per cent of so-called "tanning' ultraviolet-A rays penetrate down to the dermis. Here, they undermine the skin's structure by distorting DNA and RNA at the cell's nucleus and distorting collagen and elastin arrangements. This damage is both cumulative and largely irreversible. Distorted cells reproduce inefficient mutations, resulting in an increase in the number of lines and wrinkles, a decrease in firmness and elasticity and an epidermis that no longer retains moisture as it should.

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